
Cheering Up 101

Ever been in a situation where someone you care about is down in the dumps and sees no way of getting out of there? When someone so close to your heart it's almost like he or she is physically a part of you gets disappointed, or disheartened, or loses hope? I mean, what do you do? Especially if what they are going through is an experience you've never had, so that when you try to make them feel better they can rightfully tell you, "But you wouldn't understand how I feel"? What's a girl supposed to do?

I get so frustrated when stuff like this happens. I know I can't control everything or make everyone happy, but there are days when I wish I could. Or at least, days when I wish I could do something, even the littlest thing, to make a sad friend smile. And what frustrates me more is when I'm trying to help, to cheer someone up, and they just say, "Don't worry about me, I'm used to dealing with this stuff alone anyway." I feel so stuck! It's like... please let me help. Let me in. Even just for a hug, or a stupid joke to make them laugh, or just a quiet moment to let them know that their burden is not theirs alone to bear.

I know it sounds stupid, me being frustrated on others' behalf. I mean, the best solution might be to just leave them alone to deal with it. Not my problem, right? Just focus on the good things in your own life and quit whining. But I can't. I just can't. I get guilty. No, actually, it breaks my heart. Especially when it comes to people I'm really, really close to. I truly believe that everyone deserves a taste of what is good, a shot at what they dream of. 

God, they should have a class for stuff like this. It would make the world a better place... or at least, a slightly easier one to live in.


  1. Just tell your friend that your just there for him/her - a call away! Calling or texting him/her, just to check if he/she is okay would be fine! There are people who deals with their problem alone, maybe your friend is one of them! As much as we want our love ones to have a taste of what is good it is not always the case. Things happen for a reason.

  2. If this is your car problem then you better get a mechanic because this is a problem more attuned to a professional who talks more car language than you do.hope to meet you someday. =)

  3. Just on the part that you don't have a single clue on what he/she is going through. Well, you'll never really know but what you can do is to be there. Just there. Let that person know that your physically there if he/she decides to let you in or come crashing to you. And don't forget to be much, much stronger. You can never let your heart fail because two people are holding on that heart. You and him. Be stronger than the strongest person you'll ever be. For you and him. - Nicky Nicotine

  4. sometimes just simply listening is enough to ease whatever they are feeling :)
